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Florist Insurance

We can offer insurance for florist shops on a package insurance basis. This is the easiest and simplest way of obtaining insurance for your business and our policy premiums are calculated on an inclusive basis. A business shop insurance package will protect a florist with a number of different sections. In the main, most proprietors want cover to protect their stock. equipment, fixtures & fittings and contents. However, there are a number of other sections, the most important of which are business interruption and liabilities. If you have started your florist business with a loan, you will probably find that your lender will want to see that you have taken out an insurance policy to cover your business risks.

As well are your trade contents, equipment, & fixtures & fittings, the policy will include all of your items of stock including flowers, gifts, cards, wrapping etc etc. You are usually free to choose the sum insured you require and this should be done on a replacement cost basis. It may take a bit of time initially to calculate the replacement costs, but this is essential to make sure you are adequately insured.

The policy we offer, provides full accidental damage cover as well as a wide range of perils. As with most policies, there will be a policy excess ( the first portion of any loss that is not paid). If you actually own the building in which your florist shop is located, we can include that as well with the same range of covers.

The building aside, a florist package policy will contain a number of sections which will help protect the business against a broad range of eventualities. Probably one of the most important sections of the policy, is the business interruption section, if you are unable to trade as a result of an insured peril, this cover will help to maintain your profits whilst the business is getting back on it’s feet. There are a number of scenarios, where trading can be severely hampered, a fire for example, may take many months to clear up, in which time, the business is not turning over any money ( or it may be able to continue to trade but with a smaller turnover). Similarly, the last few years have found many business owners struggling as a result of severe flooding, a number of shops located on high streets have found their premises flooded as waste water systems struggle to cope with the sudden downpours of water we have been experiencing. Sometimes your shop is forced to close through no fault of your own, often after an incident at a neighbouring property, you cannot obtain access to your own premises, this denial of access cover is also included under the business interruption section.

Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability Insurance up to £5,000,000 is included to guard against accident or injuries happening to one of your customers on your shop premises. Most proprietors endeavour to keep floors clean and tidy but still slips & trips can occur. The quintessential florist shop will often have flowers stored and arranged in what can often appear to be an ad hoc fashion and at busy times, with lots of customers, a fall could easily occur. If you have employees (or are trading as a limited company in most cases) you will need employers liability insurance. This policy will provide up to £10,000,000 in cover. A certificate of insurance should be displayed on the premises where all employees can view it. Many florist shops are a ‘cash business’ and as such, we include a money section to help protect you against theft. Transit to and from the bank can be covered subject to the policy conditions.

If you rent your shop premises, it’s is likely that whilst the florist building insurance will be taken care of by the landlord, you will be responsible for the insurance of the shop front glass and any signs ( such as advertising signs). Glass is expensive to replace and many shops are finding that without shutters fitted, their shop fronts can be quite vulnerable. Our policy includes an amount for breakage of glass, that should be suitable for most shops. However, you should satisfy your self it is adequate for your needs, specialist types of glass, such as those that are etched or coloured will be more expensive again. A quick call to a glazing company should help you establish the cost of replacement.

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